A propos…

Flore, votre chauffeur guide touristique en Provence, en mini van Mercedes Class V. Trilingue anglais et japonais.

Heureuse de faire découvrir à la clientèle parlant l’anglais et le japonais, le pays où je vis et que j’aime  : la Provence! Prête à vous faire vivre une expérience unique !

« Provence by Flore » votre lien avec la Provence. Je peux répondre aux exigences les plus élitistes

J’assure vos transports et les circuits,  localement  en mini van Mercedes Class V de 8 places, conducteur compris : 

Quelques expériences : 

Enfance 7 ans au Japon ( Tokyo) , études en France ( Paris)  & USA ( San Francisco).

Commentaires Tripadvisor & Facebook


& My TripAdvisor Provencebyflore


Hello Flore,

Here’s our review that you can put on your website/instagram/facebook, etc. 


Flore gave our diverse group of 5 people the most wonderful and unforgettable tours of beautiful Provence.  Her personal touch was truly special.  She was quick to customize our lavender and wine tasting tours to cater to everyone, making sure we all had an enjoyable time. It was such a treat to have a local English (and Japanese) speaking expert like Flore take us to interesting places that you cannot expect from just another tour, not to mention her confidence and ease driving through the winding mountain roads that led us to the breathtaking lavender fields in Sault, and sunflower fields in the middle of nowhere!

We very highly recommend Flore to anyone wishing to fully experience the stunning beauty of Provence.

Annette N.

Orlando, Florida, USA

Thank you!

Good evening Flore
Trust that you are well!
We are safely back in South Africa and settling back into a routine.
We would like to thank you for a wonderful day on Sunday!
We had such a great time with you and we appreciate all your effort!
Thank you for changing plans last minute to take us in a completely different direction and showing us such beautiful sites and villages!
We will always remember our trip to the South of France!
We wish you all the best with your business and we believe it will be a huge success!
Thank you and regards